The virus imitated JK Rowling, DOC,.XLS, MP3 was BMP


The manufacturer of the virus apparently imitated JK Rowling, be fond of made serial that was more exciting than each book that the publication. After Kespo that was successful spread and troublesome everyone marena injected and changed file DOC/.XLS becomes .EXE, currently emerged his variant Delf.ZFA or more was known by the name of ZulAnick. If the Kespo virus changed file data his casualties became .EXE, then ZulAnick this like the tailor of jeans trousers in Grogol, file-file MSWord, Excel, MP3 was changed became .BMP (bitmap).

Unfortunately, vendor antivirus only could detect and clean the virus that infected file and file (the data) that telah was cleansed of the virus continued to not want to return to the true road (could not be accessed) because of being beaten up to .BMP. Definitely his casualties would nangis Bombay (possibly his intention nangis because his eyes were hit by the onion :P). But don't worry, you did not need to India to overcome this problem. There is programmer Visual Basic local from Yogyakarta that was kind and made tools to return the data that was altered by ZulAnick. And well him, tools this was potent and free.

It seems just yesterday we were stricken by the suffering resulting from the conduct kespo, where all the good datas MS.Word and MS.Excel would in the injection/the infection so as occasionally antivirus vendor will remove file this and was not powerful to re-scanned file that has been infected by this Kespo virus. Like the race, the local programmers also raced to make tools to thrash Kespo, together with passing of time currently often has sprung up removal tools to return file that diinjeksi this Kespo, in part: download anti virus

more archive about that can be download in : download archive

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As What of SMS Defeated the Woman?

In order to gain the woman of the heart tether, many incessant men made use of persuasion via the SMS. This method quite effective, was proven in a survey said that the woman indeed often was tempted with this SMS persuasion. Moreover, they very much paid attention to the style of the writing of the men's SMS. Quoted from Times of India, on Monday (14/7/2008), 76 percent female admitted to considering the character of the man from smsing that was sent by him. At least, so results of the survey of a provider of the telephone service that held this research in England.
Therefore, was good him the men at random did not send the SMS to his worship woman. Moreover evidently in this survey, 63 percent female did not like abbreviation words at random in smsing that was sent to them. 67 percent female even more chose mengencani the man who sent the SMS with the long sentence, that was funny and tempted. On the other hand, the SMS that too much ‘dingin’ and normally did not attract their heart.
The survey to 2000 this woman also revealed that 41 percent of the respondent admitted to being disturbed with the wrong existence words or the spelling of SMS. Selain Itu, around 9 from 10 women more chose to be connected with the SMS than spoke via telephoned at the time of early of the acquainted beginning. “Pria single more must pay attention to the method of sending the SMS because that was it was thought important by wanita,” was like this the suggestion of William Onstrom from the provider of the service that published results of this survey.

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'CNN' Change Your Computer To Be Blue Screen


Apparently not only the name channel the MSNBC news that was extracted by the virus, CNN experienced similar fate. A virus that was categorised as spyware tried to manipulate the contents of the news of CNN. Virus this would men-download a program namely "Antivirus XP 2008" that automatically would direct terinstall in casualties's computer. The virus spread by means of sending the e-mail that seemed to be sent from the international CNN news agency, where inside was enclosed link-link the false news. The subject that was used was Daily Top 10.

From information was written by Vaksincom to detikINET, on Friday (15/8/2008), this virus was detected as W32/DLoader. ITOA If one of the news was clicked, then automatically will emerge one link CNN-VIDEO. With the Flash Player pretext that terinstall in your computer did not support to undertake this video, will emerge confirmation to men-download one file had a name "get flash update.exe" measured 77 KB.

File this that would men-download trojan/worm other that would automatically immediately was activated. This virus then will try to eliminate Screen Saver tabulation and Desktop to Display Properties. The aim is, so that user could not change Screen Saver and Desktop Windows. Then the virus will change Desktop Windows with undertook file C:\WINDOWS\system32\phc7nvj0e52e.bmp and changed Screen Saver windows with undertook file C:\WINDOWS\system32\blphc7nvj0e52e.scr. For deceived user, this virus will make your computer as if error by means of putting forward the screen blue screen false. Ordered error this emerged at the time of screen saver active.

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