The Linux operation system quite strong in the security. However, Linux did not have the application that often was used by the person, for example to work. But, there was the way out for the user Linux, that is with the Crossover emergence that was used to installasi the Windows application (cross).
How to installation Crossover ?
1. entered to konsole/the terminal as super user
If you login as user, entered konsole, typed su enter entered to directory where file
crossover was.
example :
>> after that typed sh enter, example:
Then, will show:
klick OK
After that, followed instruction step by step untill finish, It's like you installed software application in Ms windows.
Warning !
If installation process get to the point of dialog box (that have tab = " installation complete")
Don't klick that tab, let it's as default untill finish.
If you have any problem in the installation process, you can visit related web about crossover in the forum or milist about that.
How to installation Crossover ?
1. entered to konsole/the terminal as super user
If you login as user, entered konsole, typed su enter entered to directory where file
crossover was.
example :
Zero:~ # cd /windows/F/LinuxLibrary
Zero:/windows/F/LinuxLibrary #
Zero:/windows/F/LinuxLibrary # cd /windows/F/LinuxLibrary/Softwarelinux
>> After was in directory file crossover typed ls enter, to confirm that you in true directori.Zero:/windows/F/LinuxLibrary/Softwarelinux # ls
. ..
>> after that typed sh
Zero:/windows/F/LinuxLibrary/Softwarelinux # sh
Then, will show:
Zero:/windows/F/LinuxLibrary/Softwarelinux # sh
Verifying archive integrity...OK
Uncompressing CrossOver Office Professional..........................................................
klick OK
After that, followed instruction step by step untill finish, It's like you installed software application in Ms windows.
Warning !
If installation process get to the point of dialog box (that have tab = " installation complete")
Don't klick that tab, let it's as default untill finish.
If you have any problem in the installation process, you can visit related web about crossover in the forum or milist about that.
i like but sory iam don't speake inglis he..he..
nice archive, this is usefull, thank you
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