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The Density Of The Data
Then where his difference? Was located in the measurement aperture (the hole peered) from the lens that was used to focus the laser and the thickness of the surface of the disk. Blu-Ray could focus the laser beam in a short manner that enabled the disk to keep the data was closer. This that made Bluray could devour 25 GB to single the layer and 50 GB to dual the layer. Compared with HD-DVD that only 15 GB and 30 MB in single and dual the layer.
Picture Quality
Still was related to the density of the data, the quality of the picture was also not free from the capacity of the two formats. With the difference of the storage capacity, the possibility was reduced by him the quality of the picture of the film could not be occasionally avoided. Each format of the compression required the film studio pulled interesting between the quality of the picture and made small the measurement of the data. The choice is, they could do encode the film was of high quality, but rather greedy storage space or reduced the quality of the picture of the film in order to save the requirement for storage space. However, not meant the picture was made small for the sake of storage space (continue to in the measurement and frame rate like above), but lowered “respons frekuensi” from pixel. f being represented, you bought two same films, one of them the film was of high quality and other the film was of barely adequate quality. The measurement of his picture continued to be equal, but you saw one of the films more was glad being watched.
If the film studio will record dengan the high quality and his film have a duration long, Could be disk space that remained did not suffice for additional material like the film that will come or other. For Blu-Ray, this was not the matter because he pocketed the bigger capacity. However for HD-DVD, this could become the problem. The film studio must choose whether reducing the quality of the picture or adding the second disk so that all of all film material enters (will have an impact the rise in the retail price).

Definitely as the consumer, we wanted only one format that was determined. For the film studio, this condition will also be troublesome because they must choose, his film used Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. Sebagai the consumer, if not having the two pemutar the disk berdefinisi high this certainly really will be dominated when buying the film.
However for the producer Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, the birth of the two formats that were hostile this actually because of the money factor. If each licence was from the format of their property sold, the big profit will be obtained by them.
The support of the film studio
The world of entertainment indeed the biggest market at the same time the key to the business for the two formats berdefinisi high this. Up to the beginning of 2008 this, still had 3 film studios remained that supported HD-DVD, namely Paramount, Universal, and Warner Bros that released in the two formats. However, during Warner Bros broke only released the film in the Blu-Ray format, this the key to this war ending. And that was last, Toshiba as dedengkot HD-DVD then decided to stop the production and the development of HD-DVD last February 19 2008.
Source : from online magazine by
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