Multiple Benefits Softdrink


Various uses of Soft Drink!

1. To clean a toilet:
Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet.
Wait an hour, then flush clean up.
Sitric acid in the Coca-Cola remove the stain - stain from ceramics.2

2. To clean the car radiator:
Toss a can of Coca-Cola into the radiator.
Heat engine 15-30 minutes.

Wait until the engine is cold, then dispose of the water radiator.
You will see the rust that fall with the water.

3. To remove the dots from rust bumper / chrome car:
Rubbing bumper with aluminum foil clod that is soaked in Coca-Cola.

4. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals:
Pour a can of Coca-Cola at the top of the battery terminal to clean the corrosion.

5. To loosen the bolts rust:
Scrape a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rust on the bolts.

6. To remove stains on clothes:
Pour a can of Coca-Cola to the stack wash the stain of fat, add detergent,
and play with a normal lap.
Coca-cola/Pepsi will help remove the stain of fat.


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