Siman DAM

(Gambar diambil dari google earth)

Waduk Siman, anak sungai atau cabang dari sungainya disebut sungai harinjing. Berlokasi di Ds. Siman Dsn. Juwah Kec. Kepung Kab. Kediri Prov. Jawa Timur. Merupakan bendungan yang cukup besar yang mencukupi pengairan persawahan lebih dari satu kecamatan. Pada mulanya waduk siman ini dibangun oleh seorang pertapa, konon ceritanya waduk ini dibendung dengan kumpulan Rinjing atau wadah yg terbuat dari bambu. Kemudian dipugar dan dibuatkan DAM yang dibangun pada zaman penjajahan belanda, jadi DAM atau bendungan ini cukup umurnya cukup tua. Disana juga tempat nongkrong anak-anak muda di hari minggu. Tempatnya sejuk dan pemandangan bukit yang segar membuat banyak anak muda tertarik untuk main kesana. udah segitu dulu infonya, jika mengiginkan info lebih banyak tentang tempat ini bisa request lewat comments atau chat yang sudah tersedia di blog ini.

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Porn Block Google's largest torrent tracker


Date 08/12/2008 

Site porn torrent of malware. 

Site likely to be contain porn site with the largest. 
Have millions of members, so this site provides searching or data tracker. Established since 2006 made by the ad company based in Israel. 

Now has diblock by Google. Try to see a very clear warning given by Google. 
Users will be given a warning before the entrance to the site. As a warning "This site may Harm your computer" with a warning that you enter the site can threaten your computer. 

Not that there are restrictions contain such matters esek esek in the search. But the site is always display ads that contain the virus early, and other malware. Once the user into the site, the malware will nyelonong incoming infection the computer. 
Google reported some 4 Trojan and 3 exploit the site. When the site opened there is the 11 programs that process into a silent silent computer. 

4 Malware placed to several different locations such as,, 

2 other indication spread malware to visitors, including links to other sites, and 

TorrentFreak is asking the malware that appear on the site Empornium, but there has been no response.

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Worm:Win32 Pushbot.BD serang MSN


Are spread across MSN and AIM


Worm:Win32/Pushbot.BD is a worm that spreads via MSN Messenger and AIM when commanded to by a remote attacker. This worm contains backdoor functionality that allows unauthorized access and control of an affected machine.
System Changes
The following system changes may indicate the presence of Worm:Win32/Pushbot.BD:
Presence of the following file: %windir%\svchost.exe
Presence of the following registry modification:
Adds value: "Windows Internet Manager"
With data: "svchost.exe"
To subkey: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\
Technical Information
Worm:Win32/Pushbot.BD is a worm that spreads via MSN Messenger and AIM when commanded to by a remote attacker. This worm contains backdoor functionality that allows unauthorized access and control of an affected machine.

When executed, Worm:Win32/Pushbot.BD copies itself to %windir%\svchost.exe and sets the attributes of this file to read-only, hidden and system. It then modifies the registry to ensure that this copy is executed at each Windows start:
Adds value: "Windows Internet Manager"
With data: "svchost.exe"
To subkey: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\
It also displays a message box with the title "Windows Microsoft Viewer" containing the text:

"Picture can not be displayed."

It creates a mutex named "ha7gha7g6avb12" in order to ensure that multiple copies of the worm do not run simultaneously.
Spreads Via…

MSN Messenger and AIM 

Using backdoor functionality (see Payload section below for additional detail) Worm:Win32/Pushbot.BD can be ordered to spread via MSN Messenger and AIM by a remote attacker. It sends a message to all of the infected user's contacts. The message is provided by the controller via the IRC backdoor, and it has been observed to include a URL pointing to a copy of the worm executable on the domain ''.

Backdoor Functionality: Port 20733

Once installed, the worm connects to IRC server '' on port 20733 and awaits instructions. Using the backdoor, a remote attacker can perform a number of actions of the affected machine, including the following:

  • Spread via MSN Messenger or AIM
  • Update itself
  • Remove itself
  • Download and execute arbitrary files


Take the following steps to help prevent infection on your system:

  • Enable a firewall on your computer.
  • Get the latest computer updates.
  • Use up-to-date antivirus software.
  • Use caution with attachments and file transfers.
  • Enable a firewall on your computer  

Use a third-party firewall product or turn on the Microsoft Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall.

To turn on the Internet Connection Firewall in Windows XP

  1. Click Start, and click Control Panel.
  2. Click Network and Internet Connections. If you do not see Network and Internet Connections, click Switch to Category View.
  3. Click Change Windows Firewall Settings.
    Select On.
  4. Click OK.

To turn on the Windows Firewall in Windows Vista

  1. Click Start, and click Control Panel.
  2. Click Security.
  3. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
    Select On.
  4. Click OK.

Get the latest computer updates 

Updates help protect your computer from viruses, worms, and other threats as they are discovered. You can use the Automatic Updates feature in Windows XP to automatically download future Microsoft security updates while your computer is on and connected to the Internet. 

To turn on Automatic Updates in Windows XP

  1. Click Start, and click Control Panel.  
  2. Click System.
  3. Click Automatic Updates.
  4. Select a setting. Microsoft recommends selecting Automatic. If you do not choose Automatic, but you choose to be notified when updates are ready, a notification balloon appears when new downloads are available to install. Click the notification balloon to review and install the updates.

Use up-to-date antivirus software 

Most antivirus software can detect and prevent infection by known malicious software. To help protect you from infection, you should always run antivirus software that is updated with the latest signature files. Antivirus software is available from several sources. For more information, see


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Barack Obama sex video, spam that steal data bank with the virus Mal / Hupig-D


Date 11/09/2008

This is not a black version of America campaign, but used to steal data bank 

Satuh one example that caught under this email from, email with the subject 'Obama !!!'. sex video Contains a message 

Sensation! United States Senator for Illinois Barack Obama in 2007 was travel to Ukraine and the action have sex with many ukrainian girls! You may view this private porn video in a flash. Download and view now. Please send this news to your friends! 

Obama it's not right choice!

Sophos identified a spam campaign in the form of black. In a spam email containing the video images of sex presidential candidate Barrack Obama. When the user mengclick link from the email, not the video image will be displayed. But the download programs or other types of Trojan viruses Mall / Hupig-D. 

Info video from Sophos related false news about Barack Obama

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Virus Troj / Meredrop-A and Troj / Agent-HQK sent spammers


Date 12/09/2008

Subject of the email said the Internet will be disconnected 

Information from SophosLab, there is an email message to bring 'Your Internet access is going to get Suspended' from the sender 'ICS Monitoring Team'. These messages frighten the Internet user, and says the internet will be disconnected and are being monitored by the ICS. 

Email will bring documents and dikompress in the form of a Zip file. How this trap user to know more about the received message. When the file is opened, the Trojan 2 possible entry into the computer. Virus Troj / Meredrop-A and Troj / Agent-HQK taken from the Zip file is sent by spammers.

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More new lice from PandaLabs, Autorun.ADF worms, KeyLogger.E and Exchanger.AH Trojans.


Date 30/08/2008 

Completed DOWNLDFX.EXE California, steal personal data password again

PandaLabs reports this week. 
3 new bug circulating on the Internet, Autorun.ADF worms, KeyLogger.E and Exchanger.AH Trojans. 

Autorun.ADF attack with the file name Georgia memabwa Completed DOWNLDFX.EXE. "Displays the image files permit application for entry visa to the United States. Gambat actually contain Worm, and try to steal personal password from a specific folder. Worm also entered into the system by copying itself own. Worm will send the data to find out if it is sought by the author.

KeyLogger.E Trojan created to steal words from that given by the computer user, including record mouse movement when the user sites include certain sites. Trojan will create a file to store all the data stolen and then send to the author to a certain FTP server. 

Exchanger.AH Trojan is a Trojan that spread through spam email. Use the email subject interesting. As lead artist name "Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan comment on Paris Hilton's Childish Behavior." In an email message will contain a photo Paris Hilton and a link to open the Video. When downloaded from the links provided, the actual file is downloaded Exchanger.AH Trojan to infiltrate into the computer.

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Firefox users target of malware step Trojan.PWS.ChromeInject.A


Date 05/12/2008

BitDefender find the Trojan attack Firefox 

BitDefender find the new version of malware that steals passwords to bank, and to target only the user's browser Firefox, and the word Computerworld 
Trojan.PWS.ChromeInject.A penetrate to the Add-on Firefox folder, and malware will work when running Firefox browser. 

Malware is using JavaScript and able to identify 100 financial data or to transfer money. As the site Edit, Wachovia, Bank of America and paypal to several banks in Italy and Spain became the target of this virus. 

When the virus know someone is using Firefox for banking transactions, the data will be taken by the virus and sent to the server in Russia. 

Firefox browser to attacks also have occurred in May by the virus in Vietnam. Firefox browser were forced to display ads that are not desired. 
Since Trojan.PWS.ChromeInject.A out, Mozilla will check add-on for the Firefox browser, Firefox user, and also recommended to activate the antivirus software. 

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