Barack Obama sex video, spam that steal data bank with the virus Mal / Hupig-D


Date 11/09/2008

This is not a black version of America campaign, but used to steal data bank 

Satuh one example that caught under this email from, email with the subject 'Obama !!!'. sex video Contains a message 

Sensation! United States Senator for Illinois Barack Obama in 2007 was travel to Ukraine and the action have sex with many ukrainian girls! You may view this private porn video in a flash. Download and view now. Please send this news to your friends! 

Obama it's not right choice!

Sophos identified a spam campaign in the form of black. In a spam email containing the video images of sex presidential candidate Barrack Obama. When the user mengclick link from the email, not the video image will be displayed. But the download programs or other types of Trojan viruses Mall / Hupig-D. 

Info video from Sophos related false news about Barack Obama

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