Bittorrent offer without the VPN can be known is the fraud, which came VPN 4 Life PC.exe


Date 08/01/2009 

Surprising use VPN without terditeksi line, behind only the fraudster to send a copy of AnchorFree. 

Anonymous BitTorrent VPN4Life Service is a scam, or cheat. News services VPN4Life with PPTP jaluar offering $ 50 for forever internet user was untrue. 

Reports obtained from the user VPN4Life who have to pay through Paypal. In fact the account is not required here, and even receive the file in the form of exe-VPN 4 Life PC.exe 
Not yet known what the file is sent by the exe VPN4Life VPN 4 Life PC.exe. 
He said the file is only part of the software when using public WIFI service 
It is very easy indeed, with the original file name to the name of the file-VPN 4 Life PC.exe. 

Files from VPN4Life apparently contains a note with the same property Anchorfree. As the signature under this proves that the same data 
4b34079841d43799e5d0849ac16feb61 HSS-1.10-install-anchorfree-76-conduit.exe 
4b34079841d43799e5d0849ac16feb61 VPN 4 Life PC.exe

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