
Game Booster is a freeware software intended to improve the performance of a computer such as computer gaming. But not limited to PC gaming only, can be also applied to a normal computer.

Game Booster has 2 functions. The first function to disable the Windows application that the system is running. Some of the program from either a Windows program that is running sometimes not required by the computer user. Second function, Game Booster can disable programs running in background or program that is actually active, but not seen by the user. Like Antivirus software, which is always active but the user does not know of the existence of computer programs or difficult to turn manually.

Game Booster is for the user computer gaming. With Game Booster software, disable the program resident in the walk can be turned off temporarily by the software. Likewise when someone takes a computer game without interference from the Antivirus software for a while. So Game Booster can disable antivirus programs. The result will improve the performance of the computer relative to the right during the active program. Both can increase memory space given to the application for the game, so the larger memory space.

Game Booster does not disrupt or make a random system Windows registry. Game Booster is designed to turn off the software that is not needed while the system itself. And not damage anything in the Windows registry. Because Game Booster can restore what is already in the switch off once again with a click on the menu program. And the whole program will run again as they are.

GameBooster software is Freeware and can be used for the OS Windows 2000, Vista, XP, and Windows 7

Example in the picture below, the view of the resident programs in Windows XP. Many applications that sebenarnyanya used when someone does not use the PC for gaming applications. Applications can be stopped temporarily by the software Game Booster

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